Didactic activities Florence
Museum educational activities
Museumin Florence

Didactic activities Florence

The Jewish presence in Florence is inextricably bound up with the unmistakable green dome of the synagogue gracing the city’s skyline. Its harmonious presence still testifies today to Cavalier David Levi’s determination to build a “monumental synagogue worthy of the city”.
Opened in 1882 in the city’s “Mattonaia” neighbourhood, the synagogue is both the beating heart of Florence’s Jewish community and an integral part of the city’s history. Behind the cast-iron railing, set in a lush garden, we find the synagogue and the Jewish Museum with its superb collection of artistic Jewish ceremonial items and offering breathtaking views of the synagogue itself and the roofs of Florence.

The Jewish Museum is situated inside the synagogue on two floors of the monumental building that hosts the prayer hall.
The tour is divided into two sections: on the first floor we find the ceremonial furnishings and accoutrements used in the synagogue, silverware and textiles from the old synagogues in Florence’s now demolished ghetto and photographs and documents from the archives telling the story of the city’s Jewish community. While the second floor houses items used for worship in the home.
The tour ends with the “Room of Memory”, devoted to the Holocaust, and with the “Immersive room” where, thanks to a unique sensory experience, visitors are immersed in the mesmerising story of the construction of Florence synagogue.
The Museum is a truly atmospheric experience offering visitors breathtaking views of the prayer hall and the roofs of Florence.

programmes and pathways


We run workshops, special projects, pathways and guided tours for students of all ages from the full range of classes and types of school.
Our educational activities are designed to foster knowledge of Jewish history, traditions and culture as part of a determined effort to nurture interfaith and intercultural dialogue.
In all our activites we use the language and methodological approach best suited to the age and school pathway of the children and teens involved, in an attempt to make our historical, artistic and cultural heritage accessible.